Corporate Partnerships Guidelines

We are truly grateful for your interest in becoming an official White Ribbon Corporate Partner. White Ribbon Australia relies on donations and fundraising from Australian corporates and the community to continue our work. Your organisation's financial support will enable us to further develop our primary prevention programs, strengthen and broaden our work's reach to eliminate men's violence against women – we truly appreciate your support.

We designed our Corporate Partnerships Guidelines to assist our official Corporate Partners in being one of the leading voices in the Australian discourse that is trusted, respected, and sought-after to eliminate gendered violence and abuse. Our primary focus will be the engagement of boys and men to end violence against women and children. We will use our shared brand power to promote and collaborate with the family and domestic violence and the community sector to ensure that frontline services are universally included in our communication approaches. With caution and empathy, we will respond to the rapidly changing policies and activities relevant to the Australian family and domestic violence environment. Our Corporate Partners will ensure a consistent and targeted approach to promoting engagement in our programs and outcomes.

Our corporate partners will be entered into through consideration and application of our four strategic pillars (read our Strategic Framework 2020-2024 for further information):

  • COLLABORATION: White Ribbon Australia will proactively seek to collaborate with  a  broad  range  of  community,  corporate,  civil  society  and  Government  partners  to  eliminate  the  incidence  of men's violence and abuse against women.
  • ADVOCACY: White Ribbon Australia will be a powerful advocate to all levels of Government for policy, funding and legislative changes that eliminate abuse experienced by women and children.
  • SOCIAL MOVEMENT:  White   Ribbon   Australia   will   engage   and   mobilise   a   movement  of  supporters,  community  partners  and  allied  organisations  to  take  action  that  creates  change  at  a  systemic, cultural, community and individual level.
  • PREVENTION PROGRAMS: White  Ribbon  Australia  will  build  on  existing  prevention  initiatives,  activities  and  tools  to  strengthen  a  culture  of  respect  and support individuals, workplaces, schools and communities  to  respond  to  and  eliminate men's violence  against women

White Ribbon Australia is unable to support companies, organisations or activities that we perceive to undermine White Ribbon Australia's vision. These include but are not limited to:

  • initiatives that position women as bearing responsibility for preventing men's violence against them (including safety devices).
  • artwork, products and activities involving the perceived objectification and manipulation of women or men (including calendars and shows).
  • practices that use marketing techniques which contribute to gender inequality.
  • practices that sexually discriminate.
  • proceeds from the manufacture or sale of tobacco.
  • proceeds from gambling, such as casinos, corporate bookmakers and state-based pari-mutuel organisations.
  • practices that abuse and/or endanger Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

If your company operates within an industry not outlined above and would like to become an Official Corporate Partner or Corporate Supporter, please email