84km Ultra Marathon in support of ending men's violence against women

By Peter Join Me

My Activity Tracking


Join me in supporting White Ribbon Australia!

This September, I am taking on the challenge of running an 84km Trail Ultra Marathon. I am dedicating my effort to raise funds and awareness for White Ribbon Australia, a not-for-profit devoted to ending men's violence against women and advancing gender equality.

White Ribbon Australia is part of a global movement striving to create a society where all women can live safely, free from violence and abuse. Through tireless efforts in education, advocacy, and community programs, they seek to change attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate gender inequality and violence.

I believe that every man can play a vital role in ending men's violence against women. Here are some actionable steps for men reading this:

  • Speak Up: Call out your mates for making sexist jokes or comments, or have a one-on-one conversation with them.

  • Educate Yourself: Research the root causes and effects of gender-based violence, including how societal norms and gender stereotypes contribute to it. Share what you learn with friends and family.

  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate respectful behaviour in your relationships and serve as a role model for younger men and boys.

  • Support the Cause: Donate to organisations that champion the movement to stop men's violence against women. Alternatively, donate to my fundraiser!

Together, we can support White Ribbon Australia's mission and create lasting change.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

My Achievements

Updated profile

Shared on social

Self donated

Reached $100

Half way to goal

Reached goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kim Butler

So proud of you Pete




Chris Butler

Go Bruz


Helen & Peter Newton

We are proud of you and what you are doing Pete


Mariann Fee

You’ve got this Pete!




Alicia & Tim

Get em puel


Thomas Rowe

Getum Shpetum!


Jack & Holly

Legend Pete


Reyna Vincent

Fuck yeah Pete!!


Hugh Sheehan


Bede Stewarr


John Foster

A Huge effort for an important cause. Go well pete!


Phil Brady


Michael Adams



Tom & Harriet


Laura, Josh & Jimmy Scoble

You're a dog Butler! You'll be doing it all day!


Cadeyn & Em

You’re amazing Pete!!! Love Cadeyn & Em


Mary Butker

Go Petey!


Sophie Noonan

Impressive man, impressive effort!!


Gigi And Dan Gomez

Go Pete!



Go Peter!


Gabriel Strachan

Go well fellow schmuncle!


Daniel Bell

Love your work Pete!


Adelaide Croagh

Say one thing about Peter Butler, say he’s a hero and a bloody good guy. Great work mate, doing gods work as per.


Alex Brown


Carly Andersson



You are awesome Peter, I’ll hold your glass !!


Frankie Butler

Smash it Pete 💪



hasn’t gone unnoticed that you’re one of the few straight male friend i have who is vocal for women. love you and so grateful for our friendship. proud of you x





The big Pete elite!!! World would be a much better place if it was made up of Pete’s and Gabs!


Ignatius Stewart


Tidal Therapy

You got this! So proud of you!



84km's!! That's a full-on expedition. Remember every step is one step closer to the finish line. Best of luck!


Cadeyn Williams

You’re a star, brother!



Huge efforts, well done Pete x


Mol Hogan

Big Pete moving quick !!! Doing amazing things for incredible cause 💛💛💛

