Frequently Asked Questions
Can't see your question below? Send your question to with as much information as possible and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Queries about White Ribbon
Event registration and logo use
Fundraising Rules
Queries about White Ribbon Australia
What is violence against women?
White Ribbon Australia uses the definition of men’s violence against women found in the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women: ‘any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivations of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.
The impact of this violence on women can be physical, sexual and psychological. Violence against women can also result in death: women die from the negative health effects of violence and some are killed.
Violence against women affects women’s well-being and prevents them from fully participating in society. It also impacts on families, the community and the nation.
What is primary prevention?
Primary prevention action is implemented before violence against women occurs and aims to stop the likelihood of men and boys using violence against women and girls. Primary prevention does this by addressing the root causes of violence. The White Ribbon social movement and programs focus on primary prevention.
What is White Ribbon Australia’s purpose?
Because men’s violence against women continues to be a prevalent issue across Australia, we believe men have a role in preventing violence against women and children, and that engaging them in prevention is critical.
Prevention programs that engage men at the individual, community and population level around the prevention of violence against women and children. This leads to men understanding their role in the prevention strategies and changing their attitudes and behaviours accordingly, resulting in materially decreased rates of men’s violence against women and children.
Why does White Ribbon Australia engage men?
To stop violence against women, Australia needs men to stand up, speak out and act.
White Ribbon Australia engages men to highlight the role they can play alongside women to stop violence against women, based on the understanding that most men are not violent.
Only some men use violence. Most men share the belief that violence against women is never acceptable.
Men speaking to other men about violence against women is a powerful catalyst for change.
Through education, awareness raising, creative campaigns, preventative programs and partnerships, White Ribbon Australia provides the tools for men to stop violence against women in their community and beyond.
Underpinning our work is the positive engagement of men. White Ribbon Australia provides a safe and inclusive platform for men to discuss a complex and sensitive issue.
White Ribbon Australia’s male engagement strategy is evidence based and backed by research and evaluation. It is specifically tailored to provide clear and powerful messaging to men across Australia to inspire change and action.
As a member of the MenEngage Alliance, White Ribbon Australia works toward advancing gender justice, human rights and social justice to create a world where everyone can enjoy healthy, safe and fulfilling lives.
What is my impact?
Your fundraising will support our vital work to end men’s violence against women. Your generosity helps develop and extend our prevention work which includes programs in schools, workplaces and the broader community along with initiatives to engage men, advocacy, community support and training.
With your donation we can help stop this devastating issue that destroys families, health and communities. We can build happier and safer homes, highlight positive male role modelling and educate children so that future generations do not experience the same issue.
Event registration and logo use
I’m thinking of hosting an event, what should I do?
That’s great! Once you know what you’d like to do, the first step is to register your event with us. This allows us to keep track of all of the community events being held in support of White Ribbon Australia or using our in-support of branding. It’s also the formal process for us to approve your event, issuing you with an authority to fundraise letter.
Please ensure before completing the registration form you have reviewed our event guidelines.
I’m not fundraising and won’t use my online page. Do I still need to register?
Yes. All events in the name of White Ribbon Australia need to be registered as per Australian fundraising legislation. By registering you are legally authorised to fundraise under our license, or use our in-support of branding.
Can I take part if I don’t live in Australia?
Unfortunately, our authority to fundraise only allows you to take part if you live in Australia.
Am I allowed to use the official White Ribbon Australia logo?
Use of the official White Ribbon logo is reserved solely for White Ribbon Australia. We are though more than happy for you to utilise our in-support of logo which can be found in the resources tab of your event portal.
If designing your own collateral, we do ask that you send your proof through to our media team for a quick review on
Due to a high volume of requests, please allow a 7 day turnaround.
I’m really stuck, can you help me?
Whilst you're responsible for running your event, we are always available if you need to run any ideas past us. Get in touch at
How do I ask for donations?
Once your registration is approved we will direct you to your personal event portal. Here we have tips on how to ask for donations, including letters of support.
How do I donate the cash received at my event?
You’ll be able to add your cash donations to your fundraising page via the offline donations section within your event portal. If you require an alternate payment method please contact
How do I send in the money received on my online page?
By utilising the online events portal and your fundraising page you won’t need to worry about transferring your donations, this will be taken care of for you!
What is the address for my online page?
This will be in your welcome email. If you’re unable to locate your login details, please reach out to the team at and we’ll track it down for you! Be sure to include the full name and email you registered with.
I forgot my username and password
To reset your password please click here
Can I edit the page myself?
Yes you can! You can edit your event details via the 'Edit My Page' tab, within your logged in dashboard.
Can I hand-made my own Ribbons?
Permission is granted to make and wear the White Ribbon if its use is for awareness raising only. Production in this manner must not be attached to any fundraising
Fundraising Rules
Fundraising legislation
By registering it is your responsibility as the event / fundraising host to ensure that you are compliant with your states fundraising legislation.
Can I give all of the donations to a local service?
The authority to fundraise issued to you by White Ribbon Australia only authorises you to raise funds for White Ribbon Australia.
Please note: it is illegal for a “White Ribbon Australia” event to direct funds raised to other charities as per Fundraising Legislation.
Can I split the donations between White Ribbon Australia and another charity?
To discuss this please reach out to our